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smoke layer中文是什么意思

用"smoke layer"造句"smoke layer"怎么读"smoke layer" in a sentence


  • 烟雾层
  • "smoke"中文翻译    n. 1.烟,烟尘,烟柱;雾;水气,蒸气;尘雾。 2.没 ...
  • "layer"中文翻译    n. 1.放置者,铺设者,计划者。 2.【赛马】(一般) ...
  • "boundary layer observation with smoke" 中文翻译 :    烟雾法边界层观测
  • "boundary-layer observation with smoke" 中文翻译 :    附面层烟雾法观测
  • "not smoke" 中文翻译 :    不抽烟
  • "smoke" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.烟,烟尘,烟柱;雾;水气,蒸气;尘雾。 2.没有实体[意义、现实性]的事物;空谈;空虚。 3.模糊视线的东西。 4.抽烟;香烟、雪茄烟;〔俚语〕内含大麻叶毒品的香烟。 5.烟色;暗灰色。 6.〔美俚〕劣质酒。 7.〔俚语〕铁道救火员。 8.〔俚语〕大麻(制品)。 No smoke [ There is no smoke ] without fire. 无火不生烟,无风不起浪。 a box of good smokes 〔俚语〕一盒上好雪茄烟。 have a smoke 抽一口烟。 blow smoke 〔俚语〕吸大麻毒品。 end up in smoke 烟消云散,不成功,终成泡影。 from smoke into smother 越来越坏。 go up in smoke 1. 烧尽。 2. 〔比喻〕毫无结果,化为乌有。 like (a) smoke (on fire) 〔俚语〕无阻碍地,迅速地,轻易地。 watch my smoke 〔美俚〕看我的本领,看我做得多快。 smoke and mirrors 像魔术般骗人的东西,为转移人们的注意力而故意制造的假象。 vi. 1.烟,熏;冒烟;冒水蒸气;(烟似地)袅袅上升。 2.吸烟,抽烟。 3.迅速地走(致使尘土飞扬)。 4.发火,生气 (against) 〔学生语〕脸红。 5.〔古语〕受苦,受罚。 6.〔美俚〕开枪。 7.〔俚语〕吸大麻。 vt. 1.用烟熏,熏脏,熏黑;熏走,熏死(虫等);熏制。 2.吸(烟),抽(烟),抽烟而…。 3.〔古语〕发觉;怀疑;〔美国〕查明,使说出秘密。 4.〔古语〕嘲弄,欺负,欺骗。 5.〔美俚〕开枪打,射击。 6.〔俚语〕吸(大麻毒品)。 That oil-lamp smokes badly. 那盏油灯烟冒得很厉害。 You must not smoke in this carriage. 车内不可抽烟。 smoke oneself sick 抽烟抽得不舒服。 The milk has been smoked. 牛奶带烟味儿了。 Put that in your pipe and smoke it. 仔细想想(我的话)吧。 smoke like a chimmney 烟瘾很大。 Their swords smoked with blood. 冒血腥气。
  • "smoke-in" 中文翻译 :    集体吸服麻醉品
  • "to smoke" 中文翻译 :    吞云吐雾
  • "layer" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.放置者,铺设者,计划者。 2.【赛马】(一般)赌客。 3.产卵的鸡。 4.【军事】瞄准手。 5.层;阶层;地层;涂层。 6.【植物;植物学】压条,倒伏庄稼。 7.敷设轨。 8.垫片,层板,夹层,膜。 a brick layer 砌砖者。 a mine layer 布雷舰艇。 a bad [good] layer 生蛋少[多]的鸡。 a layer of rock 一层岩石。 boundary layer 边层。 carburized layer 渗炭层。 turberlent layer 紊流附面层。 layers and backers (赛马等的)赌客。 vt. 1.分层砌。 2.用压条法繁殖。 vi. 庄稼倒伏。 n. -ing 分层套穿式时装。
  • "layer by" 中文翻译 :    layer逐层
  • "layer in" 中文翻译 :    layer层内层
  • "smoke extraction = smoke venting" 中文翻译 :    排烟
  • "layer-for-layer" 中文翻译 :    叠层绕组
  • "a cloud of smoke" 中文翻译 :    一团烟雾
  • "a smoke screen" 中文翻译 :    烟幕
  • "a stream of smoke" 中文翻译 :    一道烟
  • "a wisof smoke" 中文翻译 :    一缕烟
  • "abatement of smoke" 中文翻译 :    消除烟尘; 消除烟雾; 消减烟雾(法); 消烟除尘; 烟雾消除
  • "acetylene smoke" 中文翻译 :    乙炔黑; 乙炔墨
  • "acid smoke" 中文翻译 :    酸性烟尘
  • "airborne smoke" 中文翻译 :    飞机施放的烟雾
  • "ammunition smoke" 中文翻译 :    烟雾弹药
  • "antiaircraft smoke" 中文翻译 :    防空烟雾
  • "arctic smoke" 中文翻译 :    北冰洋烟雾; 北冰洋蒸汽雾; 北洋洋蒸汽雾
  • "artificial smoke" 中文翻译 :    烟幕


  • According to the evaluations of personnel evacuation time and simulation of smoke layers development , the proposed approach indicates that temporary closure of the mid - stair can still meet the 2 . 5 minutes standard stipulated in the moe code
  • After analyze the foundation of the current national code ( code for fire protection design of tall buildings gb500045 - 95 ) through experiments and fire simulations , the author has found that there are some limitations on the use of this national code for the designing of smoke management system in an atrium . this paper has been discovered that it is not enough when using the smoke layer interface height as a criterion to make an assessment on the safety rate in a building fire , or to calculate the egress time
    通过上述实验研究和数值模拟研究,发现当采用我国现行的《高层民用建筑防火设计规范》 ( gb50045 - 95 )来指导中庭建筑的排烟系统设计时,在本文设计的火灾场景条件下(参照实际的中庭商场调研情况,即火灾载荷密度较大时) ,对于本文实验研究中所采用的相似模型及原型建筑,无论是采用自然排烟或者是采用机械排烟,其排烟量皆不足。
  • With analyzing of the case study and based on simulating and analyzing quantitatively , this article , considering the goal of the performance - based fire - protection design is protecting occupants from being injured and keeping buildings from being damaged , thought that fire compartmentation of a large building of saling books can be divided according to their saling malls and fire compartmentation in the saling mall can be separated by the fire - proof screen . on the evacuation design , the quantity of safety exits around these buildings and the evacuation width should be increased if possible and the safety exit number , exit width and evacuation distance can be determined according to the simulating results on smoke layer temperature and height , concentration of co2 and co , occupants evacuation time and visibility . on the means of preventing and discharging smoke , the most proper measure should be determined according to their geometrical characteristics and the natural means of discharging smoke is feasible to the large building of saling books . based on analyzing of smoke
    通过对案例分析研究,本文认为大型书城建筑性能化防火设计研究的最终目的是保证人员生命安全和保证建筑结构安全,在模拟计算和量化分析的基础上,大型书城的防火分区可以将中庭连通的书城区域划分为一个区,在书城场地内可以采用防火卷帘进行防火分区划分;在人员疏散设计中,应尽可能利用书城卖场的空间设计较多的安全出口和增大疏散宽度,其安全出口数量、宽度和疏散距离可以根据人员安全疏散时间和烟气温度、沉降高度、 co2浓度、 co浓度、能见度模拟计算结果验证确定;在防排烟方式的选择上,应当根据建筑物的几何特点选取最适宜的措施,就大型书城建筑而言,采用自然排烟的方式是可行的。
  • The results of orthogonal experiment shows that the effect of the volumetric flow of exhaust gases is the most notable ; the effects of the number of exhaust inlets and the heat released rate of fire source are less notable than the effect of the volumetric flow of exhaust gases on the smoke layer interface ; the effects of the separation of exhaust inlets , the interrelation between the number and the separation of exhaust inlets and the location of exhaust inlets are notable ; but the rest factors " effects are not obvious
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